I am involved with Community Housing initiatives. I was slightly apprehensive about how Megan Woods would handle the announcement of the Housing reset. Phil Twyford almost completely stuffed up the Housing portfolio by overpromising, and under-delivering. However, he succeeded in placing … [Read more...]
It’s time for an across party accord on Housing policy:
I have often been asked why I never went to Parliament. The main reason is I couldn’t stand being told by a whip how to vote. I’m just not compliant enough. I admire those who go, and I have put lots of effort over the years assisting others to head in that direction. Another reason, other then … [Read more...]
In Conclusion
Here’s how the Americans addressed their housing shortage after WW II: … [Read more...]
Garry’s Thoughts 3 Sept 2019
It’s been interesting to follow the local debate of people responding to Brook Sabin’s article on visiting Christchurch. I thought the article was pretty spot on. It was, however, just one person’s opinion. He wasn’t saying he hated the City. He was just sad. You know, that’s Ok. He mourns for what … [Read more...]
Last Week’s Speaker Helen Beaumont
Last week we had a really good talk by Helen Beaumont, head of the Three Waters at CCC. Helen gave the shortest address we have had at the Tuesday Club and left room for the greatest number of questions we have had to date! If you missed it watch it here The staff at CCC have been committed to … [Read more...]
This week’s Speaker: Ben Harris
This week we have a scientist who argues that we should not be putting chlorine in our water at all. He advocates that our personal health risks far outweigh the public health benefits in Christchurch. His argument is that we don’t have dreadful water. Why chlorinate? He has been a … [Read more...]
Some candidates for CCC are misleading us and the media is letting them get away with it:
I love Bernard Hickey’s writing. He writes financial articles which are readable and amazingly sensible. This week he wrote this column https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2019/08/27/775725/glimmers-of-hope-amid-the-usual-magical-thinking I especially like this paragraph:It's the stuff of politicians … [Read more...]
Meng Foon
If ever there was an inspired appointment to the position of Race Relations Conciliator, it was the appointment of Meng Foon. This guy is as fantastic in the flesh as he appears in articles. He is the real oil. He’s somebody who builds bridges between cultures with such ease he makes it look simple. … [Read more...]
Our Canterbury rivers, a conversation worth having:
I heard Te Maire Tau, Upuku of Tuahiwi Marae, speak recently. He spoke of the desire of Ngai Tahu to be the owners of our river beds. I found that thought a really interesting one. We have had significant Ngai Tahu governance presence in this region, especially since the earthquakes. They were … [Read more...]
If ever there was a decision which makes politicians look pathetic this is it:
I was staggered this week when the elected Council pushed the “Pontius Pilate” button. They decided, from reading this article https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/115361237/council-sits-on-fence-over-fasttracking-changes-to-hagley-oval#comments, that they would not make any recommendations … [Read more...]