I worked for two central government departments. Often, I found their head offices peopled by young, green, bureaucrats who had no idea about how to implement their academically perfect policy on the ground. I can’t remember how many times I left Wellington frustrated as hell about the lack of … [Read more...]
Does the CCC application for infrastructure funding complicate the rejection of the 3 Waters proposal?
When I read the article in Stuff this week about CCC applying for funding to assist infrastructure funding to open three key sites I was nervous. The Council will, quite correctly, reject the Government’s 3 Waters proposed reforms. To hold their hands out saying that they need financial support to … [Read more...]
Is it time to look at how Government contracts are awarded?
Contracts are awarded in New Zealand by the public sector every day. They range from very small to huge. Last year there was an article in Newsroom about extra claims being made by the contractor CPB on Transmission Gully: Author of Government for the Public Good Max Rashbrooke said the … [Read more...]
It takes a clever mind to say simply what most of us would take a volume to cover. When David Elms wrote to me about ENGAGE he challenged me about what I had written last week when he wrote: So I'd suggest adding something about what SCIRT actually did, which was to take a set of existing bodies … [Read more...]
Last week’s speaker Rod Cameron on Engage
Last week we had an interesting response to the team from ENGAGE with their proposal that maybe their method of approach, born out of their experiences of SKIRT could assist the way this City proceeds with the Red Zone. I felt a bit guilty about how people at the meeting responded to the … [Read more...]
Last week’s speaker: Susan Krumdieck.
What a fantastic speaker Susan was. She quietly, and with good humour, took us through what Transition Engineering is and what responsibility engineers have to lead the path to our society addressing Global Warming. I really liked when she started by demonstrating how engineers found a solution … [Read more...]
This Week – Susan Krumdieck
This week we are privileged to have Professor Susan Krumdieck who leaves our City soon to become a Professor in Scotland. Susan will speak about Transitional engineering. Here’s what she wrote recently: At the turn of the century, the factories, transport systems and products of the industrial … [Read more...]
Last week’s speaker Rod Cameron
Last week’s speaker, Rod Cameron, gave us a really excellent run through his life and onto the purpose of the proposal which has emerged from SKIRT, a planning tool called ENABLE. This is so relevant to the proposed Greater Christchurch 2050. It is a profoundly simple framework which can be applied … [Read more...]
This Week – Rod Cameron on Engage – Preparing for the future…
We thought it would be good to continue the Greater Christchurch 2050 theme this week. So, we invited Rod Cameron to speak from his perspective on this topic. Rod is a Civil Engineer who has worked around the world on engineering projects. In both the private and public sectors. He returned to … [Read more...]
This Week 15 September – A Film Industry in ChCh?
New Zealand Screen Industry - Canterbury Economic Development Opportunity In Auckland the film industry has a spend of around $1b per annum. Canterbury used to have an active film sector and those who are based here wish to recreate it. This week we have a group of people who will lead us … [Read more...]