I agree about your comments on bars on the strip. Like many business post-Covid the economics of the model just don’t work. Retail/office and to a lesser extent industrial premise rent/values are in for a huge shake up. We had a friend who won the prestigious retail shop of the year around 7 – 8 … [Read more...]
We were delighted when we found that on Thursday this week, we will be able to open Smash Palace. It has been a challenging time for us all and, we hope an outdoor bar, even in winter, will attract customers and we can start paying our expenses again. We have been saved by the Government’s … [Read more...]
A message to those who rubbish cycle lanes:
This is an interesting article from Australia. There a cycle retailer said that cycles are the “new toilet paper”. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/apr/22/bicycles-are-the-new-toilet-paper-bike-sales-boom-as-coronavirus-lockdown-residents-crave-exercise. This sentiment has been … [Read more...]
The death of the space called “the office”
We have had a chance to see what it really is like to not be bound to working in an office for 8 hours per day. Now is the time to re-set our thinking on this way of working. Each week we will try to have articles on challenging what was seen as normal in the past and which we now should be … [Read more...]
David Hall on Consumer Decision Making, Nudge Theory
This week’s article from Steven Moe: Steven has continued his wonderful commitment to promoting ideas in our society. It is an admirable task and he really has some impressive people who talk with him. Here is the latest: David Hall on Consumer Decision Making, Nudge Theory, Political … [Read more...]
Never discard something, it could become useful:
I have been lamenting the “stuff” which I had to dispose of when my garage was pulled down, and a new one built to replace it. I’m back working on my old cars and those useful “things” which I had squirreled away for years just aren’t around to assist the task at hand. I haven’t been able to go out … [Read more...]
Challenges about how our language is too often written in a confusing manner:
What does this statement mean? "A mammalian creature with a covering of dense keratin strands and a carnivorous diet dentition positioned itself on its hind limbs in a posture suggesting a resting phase on a surface of woven fabric specifically designed to cover residential base surfaces", The … [Read more...]
In Conclusion 19 May 2020
Thank goodness we have a Prime Minister who took advice instead of rejecting it…The UK didn’t and look where they are at. I can’t have a Tuesday Club email without something about that idiot Trump. Doesn’t the Pope’s face reflect what most of us think? … [Read more...]
Future Tuesday Club meetings
Apologies from Rosemary about sending out an incorrect Zoom link last week. I have posted this weeks link on Tuesday Club Facebook page in case it happens again - but hopefully I will get it right!! This Tuesday we are going to have a go at live streaming our Zoom meeting on Facebook - find … [Read more...]
Garry Writes 12 May 2020
The fascinating thing, for those of us who are followers of economic trends, is that nobody knows what is going to happen to our economy. Or the economy anywhere, for that matter. There are some who know a lot, but most are just tongue flappers. One thing is that our media, in its weakened … [Read more...]
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