The election is over, and we wish the new City Council and Ecan all the best. We need you to succeed. The worrying thing is that the number of people who felt the need to vote was alarmingly low. The distrust of the Council reflected in the level of people who voted. Why didn’t people take the … [Read more...]
The Phil gets things done Column – the Stadium roads
We are starting a new column. During the campaign we all heard about “Phil gets things done”. It was a winning PR line. Now’s the time to measure the performance of the new mayor using his own by-line. This week let’s consider the council consultation over roading around the … [Read more...]
The Local Government Review is out
The government set up a panel to review Local Government. This review was announced after the government had already started to garrot local government through its 3 Waters review and its rewriting of the Resource Management Act. It was a classic shut-the-gate-after-the-horse-has-bolted … [Read more...]
In Conclusion 1 November 2022
Saving our food growing land from development..
Great to finally see some regulation around protecting valuable food growing soils. Here’s what RNZ has produced on housing: Here’s what Bernard Hickey wrote in Kaka this … [Read more...]
Why I voted for David Meates – Garry Moore
I asked myself what qualities are needed to be a successful Mayor An ethical base and ability to take advice: The best mayors I have worked with have all had a strong moral compass. They apply this morality to all their decision making. Their moral compass is accompanied by an ethical … [Read more...]
What happened to the Tuesday Club??
Rosemary writes.... You may have wondered where Garry and Rosemary have been buried and why Tuesday Club is presently on hold. Well the not so closely guarded secret is out. We have been part of the team supporting David Meates campaign for mayor. Much is being made on … [Read more...]
Garry writes on the Stadium
In this missive I share my thoughts on, if I was still at the Council table, what questions would I have over how to vote on the Stadium. It’s always pleased me when people in Christchurch are arguing about an issue. It means they are engaged. This is healthy. When such a significant issue as … [Read more...]
A heart-warming story – Janice Gray
There’s lots of us who have always loved anything Janice Gray did. Now Frank Films (Gerard Smyth) has recorded a cameo on Janice and captured some of her larger-than-life personality. Hers has been a colourful life. One shared with us. Some of that is recorded in this superb doco: … [Read more...]
In Conclusion 13 July 2022
Don't things stay the same... … [Read more...]
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