Steven Moe is a Christchurch based lawyer who has this week released a book of essays on the future of business and he has 5 copies to give away to interested members of The Tuesday Club. The only catch is you must not let the book just sit on a shelf, after reading it needs to be gifted on to … [Read more...]
Limits to Growth workshop
You are invited to join an important public workshop hosted by the School of Government, Victoria University: Are there biophysical limits to growth?If so, how should public policy respond?” Economic growth has become culturally, politically and institutionally engrained at a global scale. … [Read more...]
Living wage vote
I received this from Nathaniel Herz-Edinger Christchurch Organizer of Living Wage Movement Aotearoa who spoke to our last Tuesday Club meeting. Nathaniel wrote: On Thursday, 12 August, the council will vote on Living Wage accreditation. If successful, all our cleaners, security guards, and … [Read more...]
Last Week Mel Brooks on MVH Irrigation
There was a really good turnout to hear Mel Brooks CEO of MVH irrigation cooperative. We were knocking on our limit of 50 people. Garry writes: I found it fascinating listening to a highly intelligent person explaining to a crowd of townies the complexity of managing an irrigation … [Read more...]
It’s OK to say “we cocked it up”, Labour Party, and I’ve got a suggested repentance exercise for you
I have told the story before of being stopped in an alley one day when I was first standing for Mayor. This guy, who turned out to be a leading business person in Christchurch, said “I’m going to vote for you. Do you want to know why?” I said “Yes I do”. He said “because you said recently you had … [Read more...]
Garry Writes 11 May 2021
I’m not sure what game the Government is playing right now in its attitude towards Public Servants and their pay. Remember the talk of “a team of 5 million” during Covid 19 last year. Well, it was only possible to make a great fist of this incredible challenge because of the nurses, Doctors, health … [Read more...]
The Economist magazine had a fascinating article on the future of new banking practices this week
It started with: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE is upending finance. Bitcoin has gone from being an obsession of anarchists to a $1trn asset class that many fund managers insist belongs in any balanced portfolio. Swarms of digital day-traders have become a force on Wall Street. PayPal has 392m users, a … [Read more...]
Garry writes – Its time to increase taxes
When will those in Treasury start to realise that the three decades of “reduce tax” “reduce the size of the state” “the private sector will show how to run Government (Central and Local)” are over? There is increasingly discussion around the world on taxes. There will be resistance toward … [Read more...]
This was incorrectly written by the Economist as a left-right divide
Following on from the article above about the need to review taxes the Economist this week has taken the line that for business to agree to get on side with certain issues makes the matter of “siding with the left”. This is an interesting interpretation. What’s seen by the Economist as “left” in … [Read more...]
Is local manufacturing going to come back?
It has been fascinating to witness the debate about “supply lines” with the Suez Canal debacle. For the last few decades, we have been told that “just-in-time” is the best economic model for businesses to operate under. Combined with the race to the bottom on the absolute need to get the lowest … [Read more...]