In New Zealand... In the past week our Auditor General, John Ryan, has insisted that Lester Levy change the accounts of Te Whata Ora. An attempt had been made to include some of this year’s expenditure in last year’s accounts. This would have allowed the government to blame Labour for … [Read more...]
Another Report on CDHB which demonstrates it was being run effectively before David Meates’ team was pushed out…
Treasury undertakes an Investor Confidence Rating report from time to time. This is a Cabinet-approval process for assessing agency investment performance and thus the level of confidence stakeholders should place on the ability of an agency to manage its assets and investments well. Cabinet had … [Read more...]
The new Public Service Act demonstrates what is being expected of Government Departments
We must get Roger Dennis to speak to the Tuesday Club. Roger in a co-authored article with Wendy McGuinness and David Skilling, recently about how Government Departments have to report on long term trends to comply with the Public Service Act 2020. The article starts with this paragraph: The … [Read more...]
A well timed review on the Prison Service
Whenever there is a problem with a prison it is automatic for the Corrections Department (is this the appropriate name for this outfit? Shouldn’t it be “Punitive Department”?) to issue a blank dismissal of any story being carried by the media. They are never wrong and it is the dreadful people that … [Read more...]
The staff at CCC did not just sit at home they kept working
It is fashionable for the media, especially lazy reporters, to beat the hell out of the Council. Sometimes this beating is deserved, however many wonderful people work at CCC and they just kept going during the lockdown. I want to acknowledge this and say thanks. Here is a graph where CCC staff … [Read more...]
The Concert Programme at risk:
I have just received this email and I have signed the petition. I am stunned at the number of people who listen to the Concert Programme. This is a thoughtful and comforting station. No ads. No raving. Just pleasant and sensible music and conversations. Many of you have said to me that you read … [Read more...]
Garry Writes: A shredder or a block does not mop up an orchestrated litany of lies
Greetings from Lucca, a small walled village in Italy. To put this village into perspective, it was where Caesar had a famous encounter with Crassus and Pompey in 56 BC. It had already been a place of occupation at that stage for 3 centuries. The Cathedral in the middle of the … [Read more...]
Is the Governor of the Reserve Bank the latest attack victim?
I wonder if the latest attack on our democracy might be the one focused on Adrian Orr. I have been inspired by this man. He is highly skilled, practical and an interventionist. He is not cut out of the same bolt of cloth which the last few Governors have been. We have had three decades of … [Read more...]
Garry writes 10 September 2019
Recently Bruce White sent a quote from Rabindranath Tagore. I had never heard of the man. They don’t teach you much about philosophers when you study accounting. However, Bruce found him, and he’s an accountant as well… “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. … [Read more...]