Cam Preston writes:The 4th Labour Government, and others before it for political reasons, have been removing funds from EQC, which left it financially weakened at the time the earthquakes stuck.To record the immediate requirement of the Crown to return the money they plundered from the NZ public … [Read more...]
How much did the Government really spend in Canterbury?
In the Global Settlement document, the Crown claimed to have spent $14b in Canterbury. (Remember these figures aren’t just for Christchurch.) This appears to have been accepted by the negotiating team as correct. The CCC negotiator, Brendan Anstiss, supplied to us the Treasury document to show … [Read more...]
Excellent new policy announcement on “as-is” houses:
This week the Government announced a support package for the families trapped in the “as-is” nightmare. This issue promises to be the next “leaky homes” debacle for this City. This Press article covered the issue quite … [Read more...]
20 August Alistair Humphrey on Water
We are now starting discussing the topics which need to be properly discussed before the Local Body election. The first topic is the difficult issue of water. Recently the Minister of Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta, announced some fundamental changes to our water management in New … [Read more...]