On Saturday I attended a viewing of the film Tina. I cried my heart out many times. Basically, it's a story about a Pacific Island gifted teacher being employed by a flash school. An important message of the film is that people operating within the straitjacket of conformity have many lessons … [Read more...]
Advice from one who knows – Garry’s letter to Auckland
In Christchurch, our hearts are with you all in Auckland. As you face the clean up I will share some hard earned experiences. Government departments can assist initially. Don't allow them to stay too long. Wellington control is hundreds of kilometres away. The rebuild is of your homes and … [Read more...]
Over the past 10 years John Patterson, who has been a builder for most of his working life, has recorded what has happened in four streets around his home
John, and other neighbourhood support coordinators, have recorded what has been happening to an area which used to have street parties and a strong sense of community. The earthquakes destabilised this community. The process with EQC and insurance companies has destroyed it. The coordinators have … [Read more...]
10th Anniversary
This has been a challenging week. There’s something about an anniversary. It makes us think about what has gone before us, and to reflect on what we have experienced in the meantime. I stood and watched the ceremony at the Memorial Wall from above the wall. It was very well arranged. The only … [Read more...]
Garry writes 23 Feb 2021
This week we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the 2011 earthquakes. An anniversary is an excellent time to reflect on what has gone before and to consider what could be in the future In my notes this week I will focus on the price people have paid individually. Then we must consider the … [Read more...]
Garry writes 3 November
Last Wednesday Pam and I, and members of our family, joined a good number of Christchurch residents and attended the premier of the latest brilliant film by Gerard Smyth and the Frank Films crew. It’s called “When a City Rises” and I recommend that everybody takes a chance to watch it. We don’t … [Read more...]
Really interesting response to my suggesting that Gerry Brownlee go back to teaching
Honest, I was only joking when I suggested that Gerry Brownlee should retire from Parliament and head back to the classroom. I received a number of responses from people who have had enough of our Gerry. My opinion is that Gerry and Nick Smith should both stand down. I know that the first thought … [Read more...]
This Week – 10th Anniversary of EQ
This week we will be running the first of our sessions on how we can start preparing for the 10th Anniversary of the February earthquake, and for us to require a positive future for this City. Let us not use the upcoming anniversary event to just lament the destruction. Let us instead … [Read more...]
An update on Christchurch Cathedral:
Like most of us you are probably wondering what is happening to the Anglican Cathedral in the Square. I asked Ivan Thompson to write a few lines and here is what he wrote: Background One of the liveliest public debates post-earthquake centred on the future of the severely damaged Christ Church … [Read more...]
Let us learn from our earthquake disaster:
I enjoyed this article from James Dann in the Spinoff https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/06-05-2020/we-have-another-once-in-a-lifetime-chance-to-rebuild-will-we-squander-it-again/ There were several really good quotes: Writing for The Spinoff, Roger Dennis looks at one of the important splits … [Read more...]