I really enjoyed this... The way political campaigns are organised has changed for ever. Gone are the days of door knocking and finding out how people are going to vote. Now much of it is electronic. I’m not sure whether or not it’s true but I really liked the story that TikTok Teens and K-Pop … [Read more...]
A recently article George Conway wrote about Trump:
As you all know Kellyanne Conway is one of Trump’s media people. Here is an article written by her husband, George Conway III. As I read this it passed through my mind wondering what they discuss at … [Read more...]
The dreadful leadership in USA continues unabated
I guess I have been the same as people throughout the world, watching USA with increasing horror. Watching a great country currently led by a madman pandering to his ego, and to the misguided people who trust him. If ever Trump’s true colours were to be shown, they were this week as he walked across … [Read more...]
In Conclusion 2 June 2020
I have lots and lots of friends in USA. I feel so sorry for their dreadful leadership right now. I know Trump reflects the hopes and desires of many people in his country, but his style is exactly what isn’t needed in USA, or the world, right now. He represents a nightmare scenario for politics. For … [Read more...]
In Conclusion 19 May 2020
Thank goodness we have a Prime Minister who took advice instead of rejecting it…The UK didn’t and look where they are at. I can’t have a Tuesday Club email without something about that idiot Trump. Doesn’t the Pope’s face reflect what most of us think? … [Read more...]
USA the land of the Free??
It’s easy to visit places like San Francisco and New York and revel at the pace, and the excitement, of life. It’s easy to throw a coin in a beggar’s bowl, and feel that you have done something small for that person’s life. It’s possible to walk past people on the streets and not realise how bloody … [Read more...]
American politics
I apologise for covering Trump again, but this guy is having a serious impact on the world, not just America. I feel so sorry for all of my American friends, even those who voted for the idiot. He isn’t just destabilizing USA he has the potential to destabilise the world. His behaviour is impacting … [Read more...]
A note from Eileen Hennessy:
I received this epistle from Eileen Hennessy who is an attendee at the Tuesday Club when they come to NZ each year. From the porch of a little wood house in the Tennessee, America- countryside. Met by an early am birdsong. I opened your letter and read David’s poem. How fitting after a night … [Read more...]
Letter from America
Our annual visitor from USA, Mark Hostetler, and class are not coming this year: I received this note from Mark this week: Hello Garry. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus pandemic, my University has cancelled the study abroad class and we will not be coming over this year. We are … [Read more...]
Trump Non-Leadership
About the opposite to leadership at the time of this international crisis is that of Donald Trump. If you haven’t seen this piece then do watch it. A journalist asked a patsy question which if he had answered it properly would have given the President a chance to look like a leader. Instead he was … [Read more...]