With kids - distraction is always the key! … [Read more...]
Garry’s thoughts 27 August 2019
I love election campaigns. It’s a time when ideas can be tried out and all of us get a chance to think about them. It’s a time when the lights of transparency are shone on our elected reps; and we deliberate on whether or not they justify us putting a tick beside their name in the … [Read more...]
Last Week Alistair Humphreys
I love listening to a really committed public servant. We had a chance to listen to one last week when Alastair Humphrey spoke to the Tuesday Club. Here’s Aaron Campbell’s video of the evening https://youtu.be/9qEqnXZ2ZJQ. Alastair went through the legislation which has been proposed to cover … [Read more...]
27 September let’s join the Students
Whether you walk out from work on strike, take a long lunch or come from home, let us all plan to join the young people and make our voice heard. Catch a bus or ride your bike, of course! 1-3pm 27 September Cathedral Square Facebook Event here … [Read more...]
Garry got it wrong about the new Government EQC programme:
I turned my computer on last Monday morning and there was an early email from Leanne Curtis clarifying what the newly announced Government programme on assistance for people who have been denied EQC assistance. It appears I had it completely wrong. Here is what Leanne told me: I just wanted … [Read more...]
Global Settlement 101 continued
During the week I had an email from Kelvan Smith who demonstrated that he might have retired but he still reads the Tuesday Club notes! For clarification the bits in bold are what I wrote in the Tuesday Club notes last week. Here’s what Kelvan said: I was interested to read your “Global … [Read more...]
Central Government seldom understands Local Government
One thing which used to frustrate me as Mayor was the way Central Government strode all over Local Government when they decided to take certain action. Time and time again the costs of these decisions were passed onto Local Government to absorb. We have seen it blatantly exhibited here with Central … [Read more...]
The cricket old boys club are at it again:
If there’s one thing which hacks me off it’s a group which has an attitude of “divine right” to anything. When I was Mayor one of the groups which was almost impossible to please was the cricket community. They frequently reminded me that their game was the “Game of Kings”. They constantly moaned … [Read more...]
If ever you thought NZ was too small to make a difference…. think again:
How the NZ Super Fund has drummed up $13 trillion to put pressure on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube giants over livestreaming following the Christchurch terror attacks... I found this article inspiring this week. We might be small and we might be at the end of the world, but when we collaborate … [Read more...]
Local Body Election Forum
Wainoni Avonside Community Services Trust are hosting the following Local Body Elections Forums over the next month They are as follows: CDHB Candidates Forum Wed 27 August from 11.45 am - 12.45pm @ 878 Avonside Drive|MC Hon Margaret Austin Mayoral Candidates Forum Wed 4 Sept from … [Read more...]