I do agree with everything you mention, including good, old, complaining Mike Hosking. Boy have I gone off him since National’s defeat. Sulky spoilt individual, throwing out his toys.
If Jacinda would have been there for us during the earthquakes E.Q.C. would never has stuffed up as they did. No white elephants, people first. Every day I count my blessings having her on the helm, and sincerely like to stuff some egos down some throats.
Every time I read your emails, I feel hopeful again that common sense is alive and well.
I arrived in New Zealand in 1973, and loved it. The simplicity, and humble expectations were refreshing. How we have changed in such a short time. We caught up with the rest in the developed world in record time. We discovered greed and became snobs.
And now we are all equal, the playing field has levelled. And in my opinion, all this is only foreplay. So much more is to come.
Trump. The dobbing in of our fellow countrymen is a life I never thought I would experience.
My parents did, my father in Pearl Harbour, my mother in a Japanese prisoner of war camp.
Yes indeed, the perfect, long overdue, storm.
We have become so soft, spoiled and ungrateful. Yes, there will be enormous financial stress, but most complaints are ridiculous.
We have to go back to good old Kiwi ingenuity, make do, share and enjoy the little things in life. There is enough to go around for all of us, as long as we all play by the same rules.
We are being tested and history has unfortunately taught us that greed and selfishness are our biggest enemies. But we are actually so lucky to live the life we live. We are the luckiest generation.
So, thank you for your messages and optimism and encouragement.
We have to try, believe, trust and love each other. There is no alternative in my opinion.
Take care. Mieke Wiskie
Thanks, Mieke.
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