I was delighted to have my two oldest grandchildren share with me their excited response to the haka in parliament, and the following Hikoi. That’s the first time I’ve heard them animated on a political issue. It gave me great hope for the future. I’ve been involved in some animated debates … [Read more...]
Garry reflects on Matters Maori
Much of the attention of the media over January has been on matters Māori. I have really enjoyed the debates and the discourse. I have included some of my reflections on the month's events in articles to follow. Rosemary has added the image here which has some to represent both Maori and … [Read more...]
Parliament maiden speeches
This week I attended Parliament to listen to the maiden (strange that this term still exists) speech of Kahurangi Carter, the newly elected Christchurch based Green MP. Listen to Kahurangi's speech here It was sad to note the large number of empty seats of returning MP’s who hadn’t bothered to … [Read more...]
I found the Kīngitanga hui at Ngāruawāhia absolutely fascinating
When the Māori king, Tuheitia Paki, called a hui at Turangawaiwai Marae in January he tapped into a vein of strength of ideas and under-the-covers debate in our country. Young and old. Māori and pakeha headed for the marae. If I’d been in the North Island I would have been there. This was the … [Read more...]
Garry Attended three Tangi for three friends
1. Norm Dewes: The first tangi was for an old mate, Norm Dewes. I first met Norm when he was a trade union secretary. Leon Morel, from the TUC, and John Hercus, the CE of Christchurch Technical Institute (CTI), had started the Trade Union Training group to run classes for trade union members at … [Read more...]
This week’s speaker Ella Henry – Wednesday!!
This week the Tuesday Club will meet on Wednesday - usual time 5 for 5.30pm start. I have sufficient Irish genes to say this makes absolute sense. That’s because Tuesday is Waitangi Day, a public holiday. We also have an opportunity to welcome Professor Ella Henry, Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa, … [Read more...]