Ann Hornaday wrote in the Washington Post recently: As Andrew Breitbart famously said: Politics is downstream from culture. The right has watched with alarm over the past generation as such liberal values as feminism, gay rights, anti-racism and cultural pluralism became normalized on screen. … [Read more...]
I was sent this article by Hester Moore, who spoke to the Tuesday Club last year: Around the end of 2018, my friends opened a cozy bar – Tenno - in a lively elbow of our Beirut neighborhood, Mar Mikhail. It edges the city’s historic Armenian quarter, and the main artery of Armenia Street that … [Read more...]
75 years ago today the second nuclear bomb was dropped on Nagasaki:
I attended a memorial ceremony at the Peace Bell in Hagley Park this morning. There were more people attending than there has been for years. It was led by young people and was really moving. At one stage I was international vice-President of Mayors for Peace. The Mayor of Nagasaki, Mayor Ito, … [Read more...]
This Week Helen Marieskind
This week we have a Christchurch ex-pat who is staying with Diana Shand. Her name is Helen Marieskind. Helen has lived in USA ever since she went there on a scholarship as a young woman. She has had many interesting jobs and completed a PhD in Public Health and ran a number of Health Care … [Read more...]
How Tiktok sank Trumps Rally
I really enjoyed this... The way political campaigns are organised has changed for ever. Gone are the days of door knocking and finding out how people are going to vote. Now much of it is electronic. I’m not sure whether or not it’s true but I really liked the story that TikTok Teens and K-Pop … [Read more...]
Wonderful article on McSorley’s Old Ale House in New York:
A friend sent me an article written in 1940 about an Irish bar in New York. It is beautifully written and the description of the old boys who frequented the bar leaps off the page. It’s full of descriptions like the bar being “10 elbows wide”. It is a wonderful article which should only be … [Read more...]
A recently article George Conway wrote about Trump:
As you all know Kellyanne Conway is one of Trump’s media people. Here is an article written by her husband, George Conway III. As I read this it passed through my mind wondering what they discuss at … [Read more...]
An approach in America to promote bi-partisan ways of supporting change in politics:
The Dallas News is a really interesting media company. It sends me info several times every day. The editorials are often really worth while reading, and thoughtful. A recent article captured my imagination. In it the author writes about a movement in America which has been formed between various … [Read more...]
The world’s most powerful Mayors are showing great leadership
I was sent this excellent article by Brian Ward. Over the next few weeks we will examine how the list of action points identified by the Mayors can be rolled out in this City. World’s most powerful city mayors join to pledge “no return to business as usual” post Covid-19 BY TOM STONE ON MAY 7, … [Read more...]
The dreadful leadership in USA continues unabated
I guess I have been the same as people throughout the world, watching USA with increasing horror. Watching a great country currently led by a madman pandering to his ego, and to the misguided people who trust him. If ever Trump’s true colours were to be shown, they were this week as he walked across … [Read more...]