I was on New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) when the National Party last came into power. The new Minister of Transport, Steven Joyce, handed us a shopping list called “Roads of National Significance”. This was a mis-description. It should have been labelled “Marginal seats retention … [Read more...]
The big accounting firms. Is their time up:
One of the casualties of neo-liberal dogma and nonsense like “lower taxes” has been the loss of expertise within the public sector. It has frustrated me time and time again to read of a yet again expensive report by one of the large accounting firms on a vast myriad of topics. These accounting firms … [Read more...]
Let’s make Housing an election issue:
I’m fed up with the two biggest political parties playing games with housing. I say this to them both. Stop it. Stop the pettiness. Be brave. Change your dialogue. Give the little person a fair suck on the sav. It is possible for us to achieve, with a population our size, decent housing for all. … [Read more...]
ChristchurchNZ’ s promotion of our area hits a snag:
This week there was this embarrassing article in the Press about ChristchurchNZ engaging an Auckland team to produce a video for them. Here’s the article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/122103189/christchurch-promotional-agency-uses-outoftown-company-for-new-video-campaign. An observer of … [Read more...]
The Editorial team at the Press should hang their head in shame:
In the Press on Saturday was this article https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/300059512/christchurch-mayor-lianne-dalziel-taking-leave-of-absence-due-to-husbands-health. It was a deeply personal media release by Mayor Lianne Dalziel. Basically, she was informing the City, that her husband is … [Read more...]
In Conclusion 21 July 2020
Garry’s musings 14 July 2020
It was really rewarding last week to be inspired by the enthusiasm of people at the Tuesday Club. People are responding to the chance to get involved, which was exactly why we started the Tuesday Club. We will never go fast enough to keep everybody happy, but the challenge is to enable people to … [Read more...]
This Week James Shaw
Talking about Climate in a Post COVID world.. Join Green Party Co-leader James Shaw at the Tuesday Club, for a conversation about all things climate, in the COVID-19 context. Seating is on a first-in, first-served basis - so come along early! Or you might need to watch the livestream outside … [Read more...]
Last Week
Last week’s session was a hum dinger. There was enthusiastic discussion on what exactly could shovel ready projects look like. There were a lot of ideas. Some on topic. Some not. We have the list but we are wanting you to come up with additional ones which we will work on together. This week I … [Read more...]
Proposed Government reforms potentially make our water assets vulnerable to privatisation
This week water policy moved back into the middle of public debates. At least it tried to. However, the National Party did its best to grab the public policy platform; but that was about “own goals”. While the media were focused on who had the biggest “Boag-ey”, the Government made a … [Read more...]
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