In an impressive editorial Ian Powell wrote in why he felt Labour lost the election. Here are some of his quotes:
It lost the election so badly because it could only see things through a narrow elitist and technocratic lens. This was a recipe for arrogance and disdain towards those with relevant experience and expertise.
Consequently, its solutions centred on structural change through centralisation to problems and crises that were poorly understood. This was also a recipe for failure.
Despite the presence of competent ministers the Labour government was simply not good enough at implementing things and increasingly also viewed by many as incompetent.
The days of centralisation are more than over. Some issues are best dealt with at central level, like who should be deputy PM.
It is essential that there be vigorous debate within society about political options. Now is the time to renew that debate.
We are in for the fight of our lives over…

- climate change and the environment – barely mentioned in agreements and ministers outside of cabinet. (Also barely mentioned in the campaign by Labour)
- Te Tiriti and Indigenous rights and pride in our growing bi-cultural partnership
- Evidence based decision making over smoking, traffic speeds, Ngai Tahu representation on ECan, Maori health…
- Support for the poor and their children despite research showing clearly the negative effects of poverty on outcomes for children, and despite this
3 years to pull it together, or less if Peters and Seymour self-immolate.