Jim is a Senior Consultant- Environmental & Public Health Engineer, Stantec New Zealand. One of our regular Tuesday Group members Rod Cameron has arranged for Jim to speak
Jim will be joining us on ZOOM – some of us will be at Smash Palace, and others are welcome to join us on Zoom – https://zoom.us/j/205254679 See our our post for information about how to do this
When you hear a Jim Bradley speech you remember it and, more often than not, talk about it afterwards. Jim is well known in New Zealand for passionately and tirelessly championing the cause of sustainable development in the water, wastewater and wider resource management field.
Jim is a distinguished fellow of Engineering New Zealand, an honorary member of WasteMINZ and a life member of Water New Zealand. Jim was the inaugural winner of the IPENZ (now Engineering New Zealand) Supreme Technical Award for Engineering Achievers 2004 in the Sustainability and Clean Technology category, and in 2005 was the inaugural winner of the William Pickering Award for Engineering Leadership at the New Zealand Engineering Excellence Awards.
Jim has been extensively involved throughout New Zealand in local authority three waters projects in addition to being involved on a wide range of national and international advisory groups, technical committees and industry organisations.
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