5pm Tuesday 7 April
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/238657110
Meeting ID: 238 657 110 Password: 762261
Never Waste a Good Crisis:
Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19
This week we will be working together on this question on Zoom, using some of the Liberating Structures Rosemary and David Bennett introduced last week. Should be fun and constructive 🙂
Here is Rosemary’s summary of how this works.

Liberating Structures:
- Liberating: to set free from controlling structures
- Structures: simple rules that specify how people are included and participate
Why use them?
To include and engage every voice in shaping the future.
Most of us want to do this, but don’t know how
Most of us are frustrated at the limitations of conventional meetings
Liberating Structures provide a framework for inclusion that anyone can use No Experts needed!
“What gems are we missing by not giving space to the introverts, the ones who struggle to find their voice in meetings, the creatives.”
In Lockdown…. ZOOM
Many of us are relying on Zoom to connect for work and pleasure. But having 25 talking heads it is hard to do other than either talk or listen.
Some of us are learning to use these Liberating Structures on Zoom
David Bennett of Lyttelton has been my coach on this https://www.davidbennettcoach.com/
So now we are hearing different voices….
And learning different language
- Chat storms and Breakout rooms
- Impromptu Networking and Spiral Journals
- 1 2 4 – All and Harvesting of responses
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