Covid means we will meet on Zoom this week:

This week’s speaker is Robin Allison. Her book “Cohousing for Life” was published late last year, and she is travelling around the South Island meeting cohousing and intentional community groups, giving talks and/or workshops, and publicising and selling her book.
Many people worry about ending up in a large house and thinking maybe a shared community would be a solution. Robin Allison has lived at “Earthsong” community in Auckland for some time and this book is about her experiences. If this is of interest to you then tune in by Zoom.
Here’s what the Institute of Architect wrote about this book:
The Earthsong ‘eco-neighbourhood’ was the first completed, purpose-built cohousing project in New Zealand – a tremendous feat, which was initiated and largely driven by architect Robin Allison. Cohousing for Life, written by Allison, is a documentation of her life and the 13-year design and construction phase of the Rānui eco-neighbourhood (1995– 2008). Alternating between personal story and factual, ‘theme’-related chapters, Allison weaves an engaging and informative read that captivates heart and mind.
The book contains useful information, tools and reflections to equip any person contemplating involvement with a similar project themselves. However, it is primarily self-focused and does not detail other cohousing projects or more-recent trends, such as co-living. Nor does it reference the history of cohousing, aside from in the notes. Cohousing has seen a revival of interest in New Zealand over the past five years, as more individuals and family units seek alternative modes of property ownership in the wake of the widening divide between income and house prices.
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