This week the Tuesday Club will meet on the 3rd anniversary of the murders at the Mosques in Christchurch. We will remember those who died and those who have suffered at the start of our meeting this week.
This week we have two speakers. Firstly, we will have Dr Jason Smith the mayor of Kaipara who will speak to his concerns about the 3 Waters reforms and what he thinks we should be working toward. The second speaker will be Lianne Dalziel, also a member of the working party referred to above.
We will be asking Lianne why she did not join Phil Goff in writing a minority opinion as his concerns are shared by the majority around the Christchurch City Council table.

My brain completely fails to understand the 3 waters thing.
Would appreciate some education please
All the articles on our site about Three waters can be found here
Is this a zoom meeting? Where do I find the link?
Sorry usually include it It is also live on Facebook