A good friend of mine, Gary Roberts, is travelling in Slovenia right now and he came across this stall selling honey. Gary’s comment about multi language signs was:
Slovenians obviously aren’t too concerned about the ‘bastardisation’ of their language. Here there are 5 translations for HONEY German, Hungarian, Slovenia and Italian, oh, and English.
For those having trouble coping with Te Reo on signs contemplate this level of acceptance of language in another country.

Exactly! I was once married to a Romanian man. He spoke at least 7 languages fluently, as did many of his contemporaries. Many Europeans speak English fluently as it’s taught in schools from a young age.
I can’t fathom why certain Kiwis get their knickers in such a twist about using Te Reo as well as English on signs – apart from the racist aspect, that is. Many Kiwis are inveterate travellers. Surely they will have encountered the use of multiple languages on signage on their travels, even in places such as Scotland and Wales in the UK?