When Boris Johnson appeared in front of 10 Downing Street recently this was one reaction to his speech:

“Many will be looking at our apparent success,” Boris continued. At which the only sound to be heard was of jaws hitting the pavement. To be fair, even he looked a bit embarrassed at that line. So far, the UK has recorded more than 31,000 coronavirus deaths in hospital and possibly as many as that again at home and in care homes. Which would already be roughly the number of civilians who died during the Blitz in the second world war, with the prospect of many thousands still to follow.
It must be tempting for the National Party to beat up the misery drum in this country. However, what they will have to bear in mind is what was written about Boris Johnson recently:
In a straight contest between coronavirus and bullshit, the coronavirus wins every time.
It was interesting to read this in the Guardian this week:
It is a further sign that some media commentators and politicians favour a version of Britain in which politicians and newspaper editors dictate the public’s understanding of biology and physics.
This comment reminded me of the shock-jock I dislike the most, Mike Hosking. I once watched Hosking come off the ferry at Waiheke Island. He strutted off like a great peacock. Complete with the blue feathers. Well, this guy has taken the piss out of Hosking in a way which is why humour is so brilliant. https://youtu.be/RP2S-IzLoWo?t=1
Sit back and watch this and laugh at the stupidity of the man. It just demonstrates how facile his comments are. However, this week Hosking excelled his normal bottom-of-the-barrel comments when he said:
“Here, with a death toll laughably small and no new cases, we see as severe a lock down as anywhere. And for what?”
For anybody who has had a relative, or friend, die there’s nothing laughable about it. This man has no taste, as well as questionable morality.
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