LABOUR: Not one of any of the Labour advertising I have seen on line or in print even mentions Climate Change or the Environment.
NATIONAL: no plan, just trust innovation and the market to provide the answers.
BOTH LABOUR AND NATIONAL: It took a press debate to have a journalist ask about climate change and both Chris’s said they recycled!!!
Environmental policies:
In this article in Newsroom, it was reported that:

As part of a $4 billion savings initiative announced on Monday, the Government will cut $236 million from climate policies on agriculture, transport and forestry.
One unusual aspect of the move is that climate funding is supposed to be ring-fenced solely for climate policies, but the savings will instead be returned to the general coffers.
Another unusual aspect is Minister for Climate Change James Shaw wasn’t aware it would be happening. He told Newsroom he knew the Government was doing a savings exercise and evaluated a couple of policies he was responsible for, which didn’t get cut. He was also briefed on a $10m cut to a waste policy.
But he found out about the remaining $226m in climate cuts at the same time the public did.
Labour and National too often treat their coalition partners badly. The fact that the Minister of Climate Change, who is the leader of the Greens, was not warned is pathetic. In fact, worse. It’s disgusting.
Both National and Labour want to show that they will be the biggest road builders. Building more roads has never resulted in less emissions, or less car trips.
Pandering to just motorists is something that a small number of City Councillors seem to specialise in. I liked this cartoon.
Here’s graphics which demonstrate the “efficiency” of the internal combustion engine vehicle and of road usage:

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