This week the following email popped onto my computer:
You’ve probably seen word in the media of the 90% for Canterbury campaign – it’s an initiative by Cantabrians for Cantabrians to convince 90% of us to get at least one vaccination by Labour Weekend.
It’s a huge job but it’s worth a shot to keep our city open, businesses thriving and vulnerable safe.
Can you help us reach the 90% target?

Each of us has very personal reasons for getting vaccinated so we’ve created customizable content that lets you use your own images and messages to create original content that speaks to your followers e.g. 90% for dancing with the girls; 90% for summer roadies; 90% for beers with the boys; 90% for keeping our doors open; 90% shooting hoops. Anything goes.
The creative tells people where to book but you can let them know there’s capacity right now at walk in clinics all over Canterbury – no need to delay, they can get vaccinated today.
Got to to create own your content and share it liberally and repeatedly! If you’d prefer to use generic content, that’s there too.
Giphys are being processed for Insta, as is a Snapchat filter.
Thank you for your support.
Let’s go 90 For Canterbury!
The hashtags are #90forcanterbury and #wereworththeshot.
If I could ban non vaccinated people from our bar I would. In USA there are parts of the country where people can’t get into bars and events without a Covid passport. When I heard about a bloke I have had a lot to do with, a well educated man, say that he believes the anti-vaccinate rot on YouTube, it did my head in.
Have a look at the graphs from Australia and New Zealand and thank the Government and the people of New Zealand for this fantastic result, which idiots who refuse to get vaccinated put at risk:

Percentage of unvaccinated respondents who reported having each thought
- I worry there will be unknown side effects: 37%
- It is too soon to see whether there will be any long-term effects from the vaccine: 36%
- I am concerned that the vaccine may not be effective against new strains of the virus: 34%
- I worry how the side effects may affect me: 32%
- I worry what might happen if I have an adverse reaction to the vaccine: 26%
- I worry it might affect my health in other ways: 25%
- I’d rather wait and see if it causes problems for others: 22%
- It may leave my health worse overalL: 19%
- I’m concerned the vaccine may not be effective: 18%
- I worry that without the vaccine, I may get a more infectious new strain of Covid-19: 16%
- I worry that the Covid-19 vaccine will adversely affect my existing medical conditions and symptoms: 12%
- I don’t see any need for it: 8%
- I don’t know enough about vaccines: 7%
- I don’t know how Covid-19 vaccines work: 6%
- I don’t trust any vaccines: 4%
Chart: Newsroom Source: Horizon Research Created with Datawrapper
In an article in Newsroom they said:
It can be easy to overlook factual evidence when one is worried about personal safety – therefore many people are uncomfortable with opening umbrellas inside, or why school children take care to hop over cracks in the pavement. The nagging worry that we may do something to inadvertently doom ourselves or our young ones can convince us not to look at the numbers – maybe to find that the luck of mirror-breakers is about the same as everybody else.
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