Last week we had a very healthy discussion led by firstly the mayor of Kaipara, Jason Smith. Jason’s main point was that the proposed 3 Waters structure being promoted by the government failed the test of democratic accountability. To this we would say “here, here”.
The second speaker was Lianne Dalziel who demonstrated through a series of slides her concerns over the government proposals. This was the most critical I have heard of these proposals by Lianne when she started with the statement “I am not an advocate for the government’s 3 Waters proposals”. That means that the pressure which has been brought onto councils by Ngai Tahu is not supported at Christchurch City Council.
The Council supports water standards and engagement by Mana Whenua but continues to reject the 4 corporate company undemocratic model currently being promoted.
Here is what Lianne saw as the issues:
Here is what Lianne thinks should be driving the solution to our Water challenges:
Di Trower says
An excellent summary of what was a very heartening discussion. I’ll be very much looking forward to Dame Anne Salmond’s talk tomorrow.