I love it when I listen to a speaker who blows my theories out the window with facts. That’s what Carl Davidson did last week. Carl is a social scientist who runs the survey company, Research First. He has run surveys throughout NZ for decades, and has possibly surveyed Christchurch citizens more than anybody else.
His revelation of what people are really thinking in Christchurch brought many of us up with a start.
We really aren’t confident right now. We have enormous challenges which many of us probably felt uneasy about but denied. Well, here were the challenges which we have to face up to.
- Here are the slides which Carl showed to us last week
- Watch the session on Facebook HERE
Because the talk was about what we are currently thinking as a community we have invited Carl back this week to continue the analysis and for us to consider what steps we have to take as a society to address getting back on the positive lane of life.
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