Last week remember I put a quote in and a friend responded saying the whole quote was a beauty. Please note it was written in the 1920’s so excuse the gender bias. So here it is:
“The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
This one was written recently overseas as they were still locked down. I know how they felt, and the next is a special for the idiots who are breaking out of isolation. Especially the guy from Queenstown who gave his address as a house he sold last year. I’m very supportive of jail sentences for these people. We’re all in on this and they might think they are special, but they aren’t. We spent 6 weeks locked up and we all benefited from that. It’s now their turn…

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