Local Government constantly looks for ways to reduce costs. That's what any business should always be doing. The Councils in the Wellington region created a framework to address their investments in their water infrastructure collaboratively. They named it Wellington Water. Wellington Water is … [Read more...]
South Island Water – Collaboration underway
It was wonderful to see the CCC elected reps deciding to collaborate with Dunedin City Council over water management. People will ask why two councils so far from each other are working together on something where local conditions are so different. The answer is simple. Because both councils … [Read more...]
As CCC works on its Long-Term Plan how will it handle future water investments
Regular readers will remember my absolute distaste toward the 3 Waters policy rammed on our communities throughout NZ by the Labour Government. People will be expecting me to be jubilant that the government intends to scrap the badly thought through water plans of the previous … [Read more...]
The 3 Waters legislation is still a dogs’ breakfast and now a Select Committee has realised it
Remember when those of us critical of the 3 Waters legislations were saying that we were not being listened to? Well now a Select Committee has unanimously said the same. I remember making a presentation to the Select Committee and the Labour MP for Fendalton standing up and leaving the meeting as I … [Read more...]
Three Waters – 10 Waters: will the changes make a difference?
I refrained from commenting on the latest iteration on 3 Waters until I had reflected quietly on what changes the Government were proposing. I was also interested in what commentator’s thoughts were on the restructured 3 Waters plan. From what was written on many sites it’s easy to jump to the … [Read more...]
Replacing the ‘Big NO’ with an ‘institutional YES’ – the case for community participation in water structures.
Bruce White made this submission to the Water Entities Bill: I submit that the Water Services Entities Bill should be withdrawn and that all current Three Waters ‘Reform’ processes pause. The issues of Water Infrastructure should then be considered in a collaborative manner within the bounds of … [Read more...]
Simon Britten on Water Charges
In last week’s Tuesday Club newsletter I read “Many houses aren’t being sent water charges because they have no water meters. This is just poor public policy and unfair.” I swiftly protested what I thought to be an incorrect statement and found myself invited by Garry to write further on the … [Read more...]
Water charges must be universal
We received at home a bill for excess water charges recently. It amounted to $26.88. We had been a bit nervous about how high it might be as we have a large site with expansive gardens including vegetables growing profusely. Many houses aren’t being sent water charges because they have no water … [Read more...]
Will the proposed water reforms remedy this challenge – Catchment and Drainage Boards
While I think about water and its impact on the people of New Zealand I was informed during the week that Esk Valley in Hawkes Bay has flooded on a number of occasions. It flooded badly in 1938. Here’s a picture taken at the time: During the War legislation was passed which created Catchment … [Read more...]
It’s time for those of us who have disagreed with the 3 Waters reform to stand up and say what should be installed in its place
Background: I wrote a heap of lines on what I thought the background to the reforms were, but when I got deeper and deeper into it, I lost the will to live and deleted the lot. Everything about the design of 3 Waters is faulty. The numbers on which the structure is based are questionable at … [Read more...]
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