Nonsense being talked about vote rigging in USA:
I’m sure you will all share with me a concern about how Trump is really putting democracy at risk. His constant barking on about the vote being rigged and unlawful is just pathetic. It’s all about him. It’s not about democracy. However, his actions and behaviour and the silent support of the … [Read more...]
This QNon article scared the hell out of me:
I am struggling to get my head around Qnon. Something I have never paid any attention to before. I read about it many times and wondered what it was about. Then this week I read the article below and, quite frankly, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Surely people couldn’t be sucked into this rubbish. I … [Read more...]
A truly outstanding article on some of the forces at work with Brexit:
I had not thought about some of the forces at play with Brexit. It just seemed a stupid thing for the UK to be doing from my computer screen. The article below raised some things which I had not considered. I think too often we focus on all capitalism being the same, but it’s not. I really … [Read more...]
The story of Christchurch’s Peace Bell:
I received this report from the World Peace Bell Association, of which I am Patron. The World Peace Bell has been a feature of Christchurch Botanic Gardens since October 3, 2006. In its earlier months its striking design was recognized by local architectural Awards. But we hear all too … [Read more...]
A relative, born in Germany, wrote this chilling article for the Tuesday Club:
I have a relative who was born in Germany, Peter Moses. He has lived in New Zealand for a couple of decades and works as an Immigration lawyer in Auckland. He wrote this for the Tuesday Club notes: Political parallels He was a right- wing politician with a difference. He claimed to be an … [Read more...]
Garry Writes 10 November 2020
Apologies from the cancellation of last weeks speaker from Mike Greer Homes at the last minute. Like most of the readers of Tuesday Club notes I have been soaking up each torturous step of the USA elections. There’s lots of friends in USA who receive the Tuesday Club notes. To you all our best … [Read more...]
Van Jones weeps after Biden’s win: ‘It’s easier to be a parent this morning’
I found this interview on Sunday morning on CNN pretty impressive. Here a black commentator started to cry as he was asked what the election result meant to him. Watch it here This reaction by this commentator is exactly how I felt as Trump went down in a screaming heap. Literally. His … [Read more...]
A fascinating article on family breakdown over pro and anti-Trump:
Our society is being fragmented. Particularly there are debates close to election time. However, where society has its ugly side on display when it has a President like Trump, things can get pear shaped quite quickly. In this fascinating article … [Read more...]
Dying in a Leadership Vacuum in the USA
The Editors: From the New England Journal of Medicine which has not taken sides in a Presidential election in 208 years. Now it has. The journal has many editors and they all signed it: Covid-19 has created a crisis throughout the world. This crisis has produced a test of leadership. With no good … [Read more...]