This topic morphs nicely into the address by Roger Sutton this week. You will remember when Brendon Harre asked a question of the Green party leader, James Shaw, at the Tuesday Club. When James spoke, he replied “watch this space”. Well this is what he was eluding to. Here is a link to a newsroom … [Read more...]
For and against pumped hydro
The electricity market is a complicated beast to understand and now the Government has proposed to add pumped hydro at Lake Onslow to the mix. You hear rather mixed messages from industry stakeholders about it. Brendon Harre wrote about pumped hydro in general for Garry’s newsletter earlier this … [Read more...]
Garry writes 21 July 2020
One of the societal challenges, post Covid 19, is to the number of people who will be unemployed in our community. Especially the young. A local Trust, the Wayne Francis Trust, engaged a talented young woman, Lauren Tyler-Harwood, to research what worked, and what didn’t, last time we had a … [Read more...]
The promise of infrastructure projects by political parties is so old hat its boring:
I was on New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) when the National Party last came into power. The new Minister of Transport, Steven Joyce, handed us a shopping list called “Roads of National Significance”. This was a mis-description. It should have been labelled “Marginal seats retention … [Read more...]
Last Week
Last week’s session was a hum dinger. There was enthusiastic discussion on what exactly could shovel ready projects look like. There were a lot of ideas. Some on topic. Some not. We have the list but we are wanting you to come up with additional ones which we will work on together. This week I … [Read more...]
Launch of Locky Dock:
I went on my bike to the launch of the new bike locking system called “Locky Dock”. IT is a really interesting piece of technology which enable bike riders to lock their bike in a way which is safe. It was good to hear Associate Minister of Transport Julie-Anne Genter speak with such enthusiasm … [Read more...]
Construction Sector accord
In an article in Newsroom this week it was reported that: In stages this led to the Construction Sector Accord between the sector and the Government last April and their Construction Sector Transformation Plan launched in January. This is focused on six areas: leadership; … [Read more...]