There is to be a celebration of biking in Christchurch during October. Seeing I can’t celebrate Movember, and I ride a bike, then I think I’ll join this one…
Biketober Christchurch
Submit your photos and video of biking in Christchurch this October to showcase the city’s cycling culture and be in with a chance to win.
Christchurch is the most car dependent city of all the main centres, with roughly 80 per cent of people choosing to drive to work. But it’s also the best city to bike!
Historically, Christchurch used to be nicknamed ‘Cyclopolis’ because biking was so popular — its bike ownership was said to be second only to Copenhagen. Now in a case of back-to-the-future, cycling is seeing a big resurgence.
The major cycleway network is expanding, and cycling numbers are rising year-on-year. The bike is back, baby!
To celebrate and showcase cycling in Christchurch, we want to see what biking in the city looks like in 2020.
Biketober is holding a photo and video competition throughout October (ignore the Facebook event dates, it goes through to October 31!).
To be in with a chance to win a goody bag with $100 worth of prizes from Piko Wholefoods, The Welder and the Ferrymead Heritage Park, post your Christchurch biking photos to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtags #cyclopolis and #biketoberchch.
At the end of the month, we’ll look through the entries and select a winner at random.
Happy cycling! And stay safe out there.
Here’s a photo of cyclists in Christchurch in the 1950’s. Haven’t the crash helmets got so much better…

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