Rosemary writes:
A forum of people unified by a single objective: to seize this opportunity to transform New Zealand.
Better Futures Forum sprung out of the Covid crisis. A crisis that will be one of many if we do not fundamentally change the way we live or use the finite resources on this planet.
It was founded by Mike Joy and Catherine Knight as a forum for ensuring that our response to the Covid crisis is not a return to business as usual, but uses this crisis to help us to change the way we live, and work and play – to act now for a Better Future
They have recently published A Manifesto – Towards a Resilient Aotearoa which is a call to action as we look at voting in the coming election, in what I believe is the most important election of my lifetime.
Iain White who is speaking at Tuesday Club this week has contributed to this manifesto, some of us have been talking about how we support this initiative in Christchurch. At present they do not have a structure for people signing up to the manifesto, but we will keen you in touch with developments.
Keep in touch with the Better Futures Forum…
- Like on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/betterfuturesforum/
- follow on Twitter https://twitter.com/BetterFuturesNZ
- Sign up for their newsletter https://bff.org.nz/contact/
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