Like most political junkies I found, as an interested bystander, myself watching the comings and goings at the National Party this week. For most of my life I would have found the struggles within the Nats an entertaining circus. However, now I am appalled how the party I have been a member of for most of my life has been behaving. The Labour party needs a strong opposition. When you are in politics strong critics and opposition sharpen up your decision making and performance. That’s what this government needs in spades right now. Their arrogant centralising is, quite frankly, scary.
That’s why I found this article in Newsroom PRO https://www.newsroom.co.nz/pro/the-rebrand-challenge-for-nationals-new chief really instructive.
It was written by Associate Professor Jennifer Lees-Marshment from Politics and International Relations at the University of Auckland, an expert in political marketing. It was under the heading of “The rebrand challenge for National’s new chief” and examines the differences between business and political leadership, arguing new National leader Christopher Luxon is going to have to build a positive brand personality instead of just attacking Labour.
The article covers:
- Just as in business, National needs to offer a new distinctive product that meets market needs.
- Unlike in business, political leaders do not have as much management power as CEOs.
- Unlike commercial products, the politician’s personality and personal life is part of the political product.
- The National Party needs re-branding.
It’s a good read and I recommend it.
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