This week Deputy Mayor Andrew Turner and Councillor Pauline Cotter will speak about a Canterbury model which could be developed to address the 3 Waters challenge which central government has its own solution to.
There is no challenging the issue that everybody in New Zealand deserves to have good safe water. We also must have excellent wastewater and stormwater systems. It’s just that the 4-structure model which the government has settled on is a dog and will be costly and not provide the solutions which the Minister and her lackies expect. If the government imposes its will on this country, as they appear to be prepared to do, in years to come they will be seen in the same bad light as Roger Douglas and his cohorts are now.
So, the councils of Canterbury have been investigating regional solutions through the Canterbury Mayoral Forum. This has not been discussed publicly before but now it is. Andrew and Pauline were on the working party which worked on this proposal and will present what was shelved, at the recommendation of the CCC executive. This will give us a chance to publicly debate what our council should be promoting as an alternative to the monster being promoted by the government.
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