This week we are privileged to have Tony Green from the Muslim community. Tony is going to talk from the theme “what now?”. He will be joined by Hamimah Tuyan of Singapore.
Join us Tuesday on Zoom: 5pm for 5.30 Start
Meeting ID: 857 4585 3316 Passcode: 811015

Some of the Tuesday Club members may have heard Hamimah in September last year when she was interviewed by Jim Mora on RNZ before she left for Singapore after the death of her husband. (He was the last to die, after 48 days and 18 operations):
This is her victim impact statement at the sentencing
What happens from the sort of coverage of the murderer’s trial is that there often is lots of hand wringing and then people move on with their lives. Consider this story:
From the evidence at the murderer’s court case by one of the victims:
A Somali man came out of the mosque holding his dead three-year-old son. I took his son out of his arms while he sat down, then gave his son back to him. I have never before held a dead person in my arms. I have memories and images in my mind of the dead
We want to start thinking about the underlying forces which bred the hatred which drove the gunman. In the week of the trial the Police were monitoring 600 people, 60 intensely. That’s how they captured the guy Arps, who was around the Mosque in breach of his parole.
We need to think deeply as a society about racism and the fact that it is inside us all If we give it a chance. This week these two people will help us in our thinking about this.
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