In early April I wrote about the speech Paul Callaghan gave 10 years ago which lay down a challenge for the country to accommodate new approaches to facilitate reform in society.
Callaghan said “To solve the massive crises facing us, we must be innovative — we must use collaborative, mission-oriented thinking while also bringing a stakeholder view of public private partnerships which means not only taking risks together but also sharing the rewards,”
I asked how we could apply this and the five criteria he outlined for Missions and apply it to the challenges facing our city. Specifically, I asked “how can we encourage innovation to become the norm?”.
I was contacted by Philip Aldridge, Director of The Arts Centre, who told me of just such a scheme at The Arts Centre. It’s one that addresses the five criteria laid out by Paul Callaghan, viz:
- Is this decision bold or inspirational?
- Does the decision require a targeted, measurable outcome which has a time deadline?
- Does it have a scientific base which is ambitious, yet realistic?
- Does it bring different sectors together who might not normally be working in unison?
- Does this policy promote bottom-up solutions?
Philip will speak about the initiative for a Health Technology Quadrant, on the edge of Te Papa Hauora, the Health Precinct, at The Arts Centre.
Come along and hear Philip speak about a project which should bring the Arts Centre into the 21st Century.
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