This week Rosemary and I decided that we are going to set in place what we think the Tuesday Club needs to be focusing on over the next few weeks.
It’s time we thought about how we can encourage leadership from the streets. How we engage younger members of the community into participation. What form should our economic development agency take. What our “shovel ready” projects should really be like. How we could encourage greater devolution to community so that the villages of this City drive the centre rather than the other way around. How should our MP’s and City Councillors be more engaged in our City and less focused on the Beehive or Hereford Street.
How we could use technology to obtain way greater participation than we have right now.
We are going to have one hell of a session this Tuesday. It’s accepted that there are better ways of engagement and participation than we have right now and we are going to encourage you all to think about this.
If you want to get involved come. If you want somebody else to tell you what you need to do, don’t bother coming. Its participation and engagement time and we need to get on with it.
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