This week we have Chrissie Williams speaking about the Red Zone, surely Christchurch’s greatest opportunity. The Press this week reported:
The council unanimously decided on Thursday to establish a permanent community co-governance entity for the Ōtākaro Avon River corridor and the rest of the residential red zone land.
This is a really important decision. We have asked Chrissie to reflect her thoughts on what we should be getting in behind regarding Community governance.
Just this week the Press reported that the Eden project which was proposed for the Red Zone is on hold. This is a very sensible decision by its promoters as the project was based on massive tourist numbers. However, Rob Kerr was reported as saying he felt that the project was saveable. I think the Trustees of the Eden Project are being sensible and Rob is demonstrating a level of hope which may not be realistic. Here’s the Press article on the project.
Chrissie Williams has had extensive experience as a community activist, City Councillor, bureaucrat and environmentalist and I have always respected greatly the independence of her opinions. Having people with her intellect in a key slot is of great value to our City. Come along and listen. This issue is one of the most important we are facing right now. If we get it wrong future generations will judge us badly.
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