I am struggling to get my head around Qnon. Something I have never paid any attention to before. I read about it many times and wondered what it was about. Then this week I read the article below and, quite frankly, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Surely people couldn’t be sucked into this rubbish.
I had heard this week about a smart and thoughtful woman I really like who works as a lawyer in Auckland who has bought in big time to QNon. How could somebody buy into this nonsense, especially an intelligent one. Maybe somebody could enlighten me about what it is all about.
One thing I did enjoy as I searched for background on this nutty distraction was that one of the websites where the nonsense is distributed has been besieged by porn. People open the site to be greeted by topless women and people having sex. The site has prided itself on being open to all ideas. Well, now they have new things to think about, other than lizards.
Here’s the article which set me off:
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