Recently the Health Select Committee undertook its review of CDHB. It was fascinating to note that the Chair Sir John Hansen was the only Board member appearing. When the SDHB appeared, there were a number of Board members present as well as the Chair. Democracy in Canterbury seems to take second place.
It was fascinating to hear John drive the bus over the former staff of CDHB. Under cross examination from Eugene Sage (who was the only member who seemed to have an understanding of the crisis at CDHB, which still is under way) he later begrudgingly said he has praised David Meates and his team many times. I can’t recall this happening before…
Here is the link to the Select Committee
A few facts for the CDHB Chair and the Crown Monitor to consider:
- I am led to believe that the Auditor General met the Board of CDHB as the Crown Monitor was disputing the fact that the CDHB had a very, very good external Audit report. The AG would not change the report despite pressure (which says a lot about the AG). This reflects just how robust the systems and processes that were in place within the DHB, disproving the accusations that the financial system was badly managed.
- By saying that the resignation of 7 of the most experienced heath leaders in the country has had no impact on fiscals and performance, and in fact may have helped the financial position, highlights just how out of touch the Board is with what is actually going on in the Canterbury Health system. We are hearing from internal sources within the DHB, the deficit is growing, surgical performance is behind plan, Christchurch hospital is struggling with patient demand and morale and engagement are at an all- time low.
- Have they forgotten that they directed the CDHB Executive to reduce expenditure by over $100m last year! What has happened to this target now the old executive has been pressured into resigning?
- Have they forgotten that that the EY commissioned review has delivered nothing (except more cost to the DHB)?
- That the Chair of the QFARC (Quality Finance Audit Risk Committee) has been in place for over 5 years and guided the DHB with its financials?
- Have they forgotten that the there was a 4-year plan to get back to break even already in place that was dependant on the new Christchurch Hospital being delivered on time – NOT three years late?
- That the building mentioned above was managed by the Ministry of Health.
- Of the acting CEOs
- Andrew Brant from Waitemata had never been a CEO nor been involved in leading any organisation of the size and scale of CDHB
- Peter Bramley has come from a small / medium size DHB that does not have any of the complexity of CDHB
Here is the Stuff article about John Hansen’s appearance at the Select Committee
A view of the Comments column might be illuminating for people.
It is obvious (to informed observers) that the health system in Canterbury is going backwards and that overall performance has deteriorated. What is coming back from within the DHB is that there now appears to be no plan and that everyone seems to be trying to do short term fixes that are just not working.
Sadly, reality is going to hit home and it will be the community of Canterbury that will suffer.
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