There is a wonderful community led, supported by CCC, project which is planting along the Cashmere Stream. I have written about this over the last couple of years and this week received an email outlining their latest plans and calling for people to attend a meeting.
I do wonder if the 3 Waters reform will kill this sort of community initiative. A commercial board will not be concerned about community participation. Especially for stormwater. What happens right now is that CCC water staff support this ground-up type of action. That’s an example of best practice in local government. When the staff are part of a commercial beast which is responsible for just South of Nelson and Marlborough (because the new structure reinforces Ngai Tahu boundaries) to Foveaux Straight they won’t have time to work closely at community level. Remember the government says that this new structure will save 50% of current operating costs, according to its designers in Wellington. That level of cost saving will have to come at the cost of close links to communities. Like the one at the Cashmere Stream.
Here’s what the Cashmere Stream group are promoting:

Here’s a link to the group’s proposal:
Their meeting message is below. Note this is a partnership between the community and our Council and the message is going out from both:
Location: Welsh Road cul de sac head, Halswell
Date: Monday 22 November
Time: anytime between 5-7pm.
Please note the bad weather contingency date is Monday 29 November.
We hope to see you there!
Cashmere Stream Care Group and CCC
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