I do tire of people who say that we have overreacted as a Country. Here is a diary of a brave woman who has written about how the lock-down has affected her mental and physical health. https://publicaddress.net/access/bubble-of-one/ The fact that she has written this is an amazing demonstration of bravery on its own.
I really respected how she completed her writing:
I’m vulnerable. I’m not dying right now, though. I have no idea how long I have but I’m hoping it’s a while. Despite my poor anxious and traumatised brain telling me I want to die every day for weeks when all of this became too real and the anxiety was too much to bear, I want to live.
Not all of the vulnerable people who have died, are dying, will die of this thing, this Covid-19, would have died in the coming months or years anyway. Many of us are vulnerable but very much full of life. I want New Zealand and the world to fight for me and people like me.
Call me selfish but I’m not ready to die yet and it terrifies me the ease with which people are prepared to sacrifice my life and the lives of people like me, vulnerable people, for the sake of an economy that is going to struggle whatever we do.
Even in my darkest hours, I do not want to die of Covid-19.
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