Rosemary Neave on duty this week while Garry is away. A focus on local elections – some musings and Jean Drage into share her wisdom.
A couple of things I noticed (apart from my comments elsewhere):
- Beautiful people seem more likely to be elected
- the 150 words are important – but probably not enough. People can lie, or not tell the whole truth
- Very few people know that 50% of the ECan budget is spent on Transport or that they’re responsible for marine environment out to 12 miles.
- Ditto many people think CCC runs the bus system.
- What responsibility does ECan and CCC have for communicating to voters about what they do, and therefore what Councillors need to know about.
Action Station Questionnaire
Right now, our staff team are in the thick of evaluating our local election campaign and brainstorming new approaches to local politics. In two week’s time, we’ll be making big strategic decisions about how we approach local organising and local government. Have your say…. https://actionstation.typeform.com/to/foBdsO
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