I recently had an enjoyable lunch with two old mates, both who had been MPs in the Labour Party. I spoiled the occasion a tad by saying for the first time in my life I’m not voting Labour. That led to a spirited discussion which interrupted the polite conversation of two Merivale women sitting close to us. Close enough to hear everything. We thought we were speaking quietly.
My distaste for this Government is covered in this article in Spinoff Voters don’t need to wait for a right-leaning government. Hipkins is already running one | The Spinoff. It summarises my thoughts about Hipkins complete absence of guts and philosophy.
The final two paragraphs of the article sum things up beautifully:
What has been the political result of this hard tack to the centre? A steady decline in party polling, balanced against consistent support for Hipkins as prime minister. On some level, Hipkins’ decisions seem to only burnish his own personal brand as a pragmatic centrist, while Labour’s own brand is too strongly associated with its previous project (and its failures) to see any impact.
The Hipkins-era Labour government’s agenda is thus essentially indistinguishable from the goals of any recent National party. In that way the country might already have the government it seems to want centre-left rhetoric leading a centre-right government. The net effect of Hipkins’ bread-and-butter politics project is that the National party’s term effectively started in January of 2023.
Rosemary adds:
I am dismayed by the short term thinking in both Labour and National – the cost of living crisis will pass, climate change and the increasing inequities that abound in our present system will not pass. Both parties seem cloth eared on this. I think of our youngest grandchild who will be approaching my age in 2100. What world are we leaving them?
Thank God for some in the media who are pointing out the Emperor has no clothes. Read or watch John Campbell on the two Chrises who want to make things better
I say:
A curse on both their houses. ( Tweddle dee and tweedle dummer ). lets give the minor parties more say to keep the whole lot more honest !
The winning strategy!
I think the description of the Chris Hipkin’s approach as Blairism is very apt
I agree David. For the first time in my long life I am not voting Labour either in the electorate or for the party. As I live in Ilam I am voting Top for my electorate vote and the Greens for my party vote. Michael Joseph Savage will be turning in grave to see what the Labour party has become
Raf Manji for Ilam! ✅
We have for some years been trying to deal with the consequences of the last National government’s immigration/housing policies. Now they want do it again. Horrors! Then Labour’s disastrous centralising policies have been followed by their idiotic ideas on GST. I am aghast. What to do? Were I in Ilam I’d vote for Raf Manji, the only sensible voice around. What can we do to help?
Talk to everyone you know, We have some outstanding Green Party Candidates locally, two of which are likely to get in – Lan Pham and Kahurangi Carter.
Hey Smash Palace!
May I erect a TOP party billboard on your fence?
Get a grip Brian!!