Jane Shearer trained as a scientist and works helping researchers get funding for their projects – she reads and writes about a broad range of cutting-edge ideas and innovations. Jane loves philosophical thinking, gardening, landscaping, song writing, guitar, skiing, reading, … [Read more...]
George Monbiot provides a way through the current despair…
Recently an article by George Monbiot gave me a faint sense of hope at this time of despair inflicted on us by President Trump and his lackies. Monbiot wrote that one way we could cope with the sort of chaos being imposed on us all by this regime was for us to focus on our local communities and to … [Read more...]
Wellington Water – Shortcomings without proper checks and balances
Local Government constantly looks for ways to reduce costs. That's what any business should always be doing. The Councils in the Wellington region created a framework to address their investments in their water infrastructure collaboratively. They named it Wellington Water. Wellington Water is … [Read more...]
Simon Kingham at Tuesday Club
Was great to have Simon Kingham back at Tuesday Club last week Watch and share this fabulous exposition about the real cost of Cycleways.... … [Read more...]
Garry 4 March – Tina, and the power of real people
On Saturday I attended a viewing of the film Tina. I cried my heart out many times. Basically, it's a story about a Pacific Island gifted teacher being employed by a flash school. An important message of the film is that people operating within the straitjacket of conformity have many lessons … [Read more...]
This week in the flesh at Smash Palace – Simon Kingham
Tuesday 5pm gather and 5.30 start at Smash PalaceLifestreamed on Facebook I don’t know if I’m on my own or not, but the decision by Simeon Brown to raise the speed limits absolutely seems to defy logic. It panders to the baggy arse “yeh let me speed” philosophy which has had a fair go in our … [Read more...]
Our Economy – Politicians need to act
This appeared on Facebook recently, written by Aindriú Macfehin Apart from the tragedy that is neoliberal capitalism itself, is the fact that Friedman was considered a fringe economist until stagflation in the 60s. Then neoliberalism was adopted as the form of capitalism (as opposed to previous … [Read more...]
Rod Carr on Leadershiip
I always enjoy somebody who thinks hard about a topic and who comes from a point of view I would normally have walked past. Rod Carr is one of these people. I enjoy his honesty and clarity of thinking. In this article Who is influencing New Zealand’s most influential? | The Post he stated: We … [Read more...]
South Island Water – Collaboration underway
It was wonderful to see the CCC elected reps deciding to collaborate with Dunedin City Council over water management. People will ask why two councils so far from each other are working together on something where local conditions are so different. The answer is simple. Because both councils … [Read more...]
What many of our readers can learn from Jane Fonda
Recently Jane Fonda was given another award. At the presentation she said a few things which challenge all of us pensioners. Her challenge is for us to stand up and be the defenders and the glue promoting and enhancing localism. Here are some things she said: … [Read more...]
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