Here is Aaron Campbell’s video of the talk https://youtu.be/kXKznZ6Avh4. Thanks Aaron.
It was so refreshing to have listened to Tom Logan. He came back to NZ after completing his PhD to focus on ensuring that engineering students are challenged to consider adopting a systems approach to issues of Global Warming. It is essential that we support bright young leaders like Tom. He has a wonderful idea of getting his 200 students to work on practical projects in this City addressing the challenges which we, and all Cities in the world, face.
When the students appear next year, we will attempt to get the planners from CCC, Waimakariri, Selwyn and Ecan at the Tuesday Club and work with them and locally affected communities. Together we can plan and work to prepare for future changes. We’re all in this and we can show how all parts of a civil society can work together.
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