It was refreshing to have the measured presentation by Ian Powell who has been around for long enough involved in Health politics to have an antenna which can tell bullshit from reality. Ian was really clear that the Chair and the Crown Monitor should both be sacked by the Minister. He gave us a background talk about DHB’s around New Zealand. He told us about their organisation measuring staff satisfaction in DHB’s around NZ and how CDHB always came up tops.
He was also very clear. The Government has to change the way it approaches the rebuilding of DHB buildings after any disaster, such as has been experienced here in Canterbury. When we consider the Canterbury and then the Kaikoura earthquake sequences that’s just one thing. That affects buildings and creates enough chaos with staff working in damaged buildings and the demands on them. Then came the mosque murders. Then White Island. Then Covid 19.
The emotional toll on the community then grew. Mental health was massively demanding, as was the long-term effect in the Muslim community.
This was a speaker who focused on people. This was somebody who understood professional health workers. Here was somebody the Government should be using as a mentor.
Here’s a link to Ian’s talk and we thank him for sharing his thoughts with us all:
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