Last week we had a really good talk by Helen Beaumont, head of the Three Waters at CCC. Helen gave the shortest address we have had at the Tuesday Club and left room for the greatest number of questions we have had to date! If you missed it watch it here
The staff at CCC have been committed to removing the chlorine from our water and returning it to the state we have all been so proud of, forever. Reading between the lines, it must be frustrating for the CCC staff, and those in the office of the Medical Officer of Health, to have Wellington bureaucrats raise the bar, yet again, on just what has to be done to comply with what seems like quite ridiculous requirements for water safety.
We all understand the need for us to have clean and safe water. That goes without saying. However, this whole paranoia about water safety seems to be an over-reaction to a well which was obviously badly managed and badly monitored in Havelock North for several decades. It seems to me that if there was an underground well head which was in a paddock with sheep and cattle crapping all over it and people got sick, that’s one thing. However, to then say that this is what is happening all over NZ is a pathetic stretching of reality. This City has accepted that we have to ensure that our well heads are safe. We have accepted that our elected reps have poured millions into getting this right. For the Ministry of Health to now make things ever more stringent is just crazy and we should be telling them, as a Citizenry, to get stuffed.
Anyway here is the Mayor’s response to Central Government’s insisting on chlorine being in our water https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/115369380/mayor-slams-jaundiced-government-view-of-blanket-chlorination and I completely agree with her.
Here’s Aaron Campbell’s video of Helen’s talk and the consequent questions.
Thanks for coming Helen and we’re on your side!
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