Next Sunday the 9th of August it will be 75 years since the world had the dreadful nuclear bomb unleashed on us. Three days later there was another bomb dropped by USA on Nagasaki.
I spent some time as International Vice-President of Mayors for Peace. I attended two anniversary events at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in that role. Also, I once marched with the Mayors of the world to the United Nations calling for weapons of mass destruction to be made illegal.
Next Sunday there will be an event 75 Years on: Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki Christchurch citizens are invited to attend the event to remember this event to say “Never again!”
The ceremony will begin at 11am Sunday 9 August
World Peace Bell, Botanic Gardens, Ōtautahi, Christchurch
Here is an article which was written in the Economist this week on the nuclear event: https://www.economist.com/asia/2020/08/01/atomic-bomb-survivors-seek-new-ways-to-keep-their-memories-alive
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