Janet wrote that these are the tests we should apply to economic decisions from now on:
1. Radically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We’ve made a commitment as a nation to get to zero net carbon by 2050, and we all have a part to play. The time for prevarication is over.
2. Preparing for the impacts of climate change. Even if we reduce our emissions, we will still have to adapt to sea level rise, more floods, and more droughts in addition to our existing natural hazards. We need climate resilience to be baked-in.
3. Restoring the vitality of natural systems. Our lives and livelihoods depend on healthy and diverse ecosystems and natural processes. Restoration and regeneration are part of a sustainable economy.
4. Increasing local, regional and national self-sufficiency. Covid-19 has shown the fragility of relying heavily on global markets. We need to be locally resilient, with strong social bonds, to deal with the repercussions of local and global environmental disasters.
5. Developing a circular economy. We are despoiling the planet with ‘throw-away’ business models because the consequences are not costed in. We need to account for social and environmental costs and benefits, use resources sparingly, make products that last much longer, and safely re-purpose all forms of waste.
6. Being socially responsible. As we’re seeing with Covid-19, disadvantage begets further disadvantage. Our new direction must focus on reducing inequities and improving health and wellbeing for all
7. Working together. The Covid-19 response has shown how our best instinct in times of trouble is to work together for a common vision. This will require goodwill, innovation and collaboration, powered by partnerships between all sectors and sound Treaty-based relationships.
Here’s the article which I took these comments from: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2020/04/20/1133127/covid-19-has-nothing-on-whats-coming
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