I want to see us considering policies which move us to a new place during the election campaign. Our economy has been reset, as has our society, by Covid 19. Now is the time for boldness and courage.

Our PM has enormous public support. She has extraordinary skills as an orator and for empathising with the public. In general, she is trusted. The choices this time are back to the past, or to grasp the challenges of climate change and an opportunity to consider new economic options. Embracing new ways of working, or moving back to the past. Remember the PM saying that Climate Change was her generation’s nuclear moment?
I want change and I want the Government to be open to joint ventures with many sectors. These sectors are brimming with ideas of new ways we could operate as a Country. This is the place which prided itself as being the “Laboratory of the world”. Are our politicians up to showing that they can lead us into new places which are brave and innovative? This applies to both Central and Local Government.
This article backs up my feeling that it’s time for bravery. It’s past “talk, talk, talk” time and it’s time to be “brave, brave,brave”. Here’s a challenging article in the Guardian on this challenge to the PM’s leadership:
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